Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chapter Two

                                   :: TWO ::

Derek and Jeanine walked a few additional steps toward a row of RESERVED spaces in the parking lot. Her heels made quiet click-clack noises, two to every one of Derek's longer strides.  Every footstep was, for Jeanine, a step closer to seeing her beloved Karin again. There was so much to catch up on. So much left unsaid on the night that the motel security burst through the door of Room 409 and the police took her away like a common criminal.
              Humpf! I still can't believe that bitch! Fuck you, Karin!! You are so fucking fucked when I catch up with you! Putting me away! Oh, how could you have told them everything? I know you love me, but damn. Just wait till I show my love to you, bitch! Jeanine was quickly becoming agitated. Thoughts of a time in the not so distant past played over in her head like a broken 8MM movie reel.
            As they neared his 2010 Mercedes ESL, Derek unlocked the car doors with an automatic door opener. With one push of the button, the car alarm was silenced and he chivalrously opened the front passenger door, inviting Jeanine to sit. "After you, miss," the mannerly old man said to his much younger passenger.
             "You're too sweet, Derek. What have I done to deserve all of this royal treatment?" she cooed. As she sat in the comfortable black leather bucket seat, she tried to calm her mind. The troubling thoughts raced swiftly through her brain like Thoroughbred race horses hustling to the finish line. Desperate to not lose control in front of her new friend, Jeanine asked, "Mind if I turn on your stereo? I sure could use some real music..." She tossed her dark hair, now cut shorter and easier to manage.
            Puzzled by her comment, Derek said, "Yes, of course you may." Then he added, "What do you mean by real music?"
            Realizing that she was behaving like a woman who had been locked away for five years, away from the newest fashion trends, away from the latest music, she concocted a fast lie, "Oh, um, you know… being a visitor in the hospital prison for so many hours leaves my mind wanting for some more contemporary music... I’m just so through with boring elevator music! I prefer out of control conga beats, sassy sexy salsa, hot and heavy metal, rough and ready reggae! You see what I mean, baby!?" Jeanine was in a trance for a moment. When she saw the muddled look on Derek’s face, she realized that she was indeed losing her cool.
            What time did I have my meds last? Dammit! Jeanine, you are screwing up bad! You can’t pull this off if you don’t take your medications. Remember what happened the last time? Well... do you?  You better get it together, now!!  Jeanine did what she knew best. She dug her nails into the palm of her hand, drawing blood. She opened her eyes and gave a downward glance at the blood that had been drawn to the surface of her palm. Jeanine began to relax. She could do this. She had to.  
           For the first mile headed away from the institution, they drove in silence. Derek was becoming concerned about the mental health of his new friend. He chose not to ask her any questions which may trigger something to upset her. Did I do the right thing driving this young woman in my car for such a long distance, hmmm. I’m an old fool! When will I ever learn from my past indiscretions? Stay alert, man! Beware and be aware! Derek gave himself some sound advice as he glanced over at a beautifully sleeping Jeanine.
          Jeanine was afraid that Derek would find her out; that she was an escaped mental patient who had murdered a string of men who she still believes deserved to be punished for what they had done to her. She was so innocent back then. Young teenage Jeanine truly believed that the boys cared for her, that they seriously liked her, and she had grown to trust Jeff. How could I have been so stupid!?
          Her eyes were closed but she was not asleep, as Derek thought. Tears fell soundlessly from her eyes as she attempted to release the emotional pain. One thing that she had learned in the twice-weekly sessions with the prison psychiatrist was to retreat, relax, and refocus. She was using the music to calm the nervous energy and extreme anxiety over the prospect of seeing Karin once again.

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